Concerning the quality of the game of chess
(Comparison of versions)
Shakhmatnaya Nedelya (''Chess Weekly''), 2004, N15
I would like to say a few words about the quality of the game of chess in its various versions. I would make so bold as to express my opinion on this delicate subject, because it is of the more general significance, going beyond the chess proper. Needless to say, some people may disagree with me, but then it would be desirable that their position should be substantiated.
The quality of any intellectual game, starting from chess, go and renju and ending with economics and politics may be assessed using three main criteria. They are
- evaluation of the situation,
- calculation of the variants of possible behavior and
- making an effective decision.
Now according to all these criteria the quality of the classical game of chess within the scenario of Business chess is significantly higher than that of the game of chess in its traditional form when all key operations are performed individually.
One can readily satisfy oneself that it is so by watching a game of Business chess being played. Special attention should be paid to the following aspect of the game: what information and in which volume is analyzed by the participants, how many and which variations are proposed, in which depth are they calculated, how does the assessment of a position change when a pass is made and which are the final decisions made as the result of it? All this for the first time has become accessible for an objective evaluation by the spectators only in Business chess.
Furthermore, attention should be called to such factors as the relationship between the participants of a game and the psychological environment in the teams, i.e. who and how takes part in discussions, how are the assignments within a team distributed, and how are the final decisions arrived at?
This – vivid for the spectators and at the same time instructive and educational – aspect of Business chess has a great social (perhaps even nationwide) significance. Because – as the most recent scientific studies of the role played by management in the life of modern society have shown – only those nations become prosperous, which are able to produce social groups that are highly efficient in the various realms of activity. And this can already be learnt when one is at school by playing Business chess and by watching professionals playing it on the TV. |